What your dentist should know before sedation dentistry?

It is very necessary to give your complete history to your dentist before any oral treatment. This information includes any kind of medication or what medical condition you have. Have you a problem with any kind of food or not? All details should be given by you to your dentist so that he may treat you in a better way. Let's talk about oral sedation and the factors which affect it. As you know that oral sedation is a popular technique among those people who are afraid of being injected. The procedure can even be done with help of local anesthesia. The medication is carried on orally as the medicines are dissolved under the tongue or as a whole in the mouth. The dentist the woodlands texas prefer mostly sublingual route which means that medicines are taken under the tongue. It is because this is the quickest and effective way to treat. You can have a good night smile by using medicines at night before going to sleep. There are some factors which affect sedation such as the use of alcohol and smoking can decrease the effectiveness of sedation. Some of the juices like grapefruit juice should not be taken instantly before and after sedation because enzymes present in juice can break sedation. So, these factors can affect oral sedation badly. 


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